Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Out like a Lion

Thanks to Scott Roberts for the tips on my Windows 7 issues. Anytime you make changes to the "Program Files" directory, Windows 7 will prompt you. To get around that, I've had to move all of my GRLevel3 data (for webcam images, placefiles, etc) to its own directory outside of the Program Files folder. I also have to move URL2File out of the Windows\system32 directory. The bad thing about that is now you must have URL2File in each data directory for my batch files to run right.

So, now I have a separate directory called "GRLevel3 Data" on my C: drive and I've moved the "places", "SPC" and other directories to this folder. I also made a "WebCam Project" folder to keep all of this information separate and organized. And yes, there is a copy of URL2File in each of these directories.

The good news is that if you don't have Windows 7 or (probably) Vista (untested on this operating system) and still are running XP SP2/SP3 then you won't have any changes to make. However the newer system will need this change to work properly. Down the road though, I won't be writing scripts for 2 or 3 different operating systems, just one to run on all.

Clear as mud?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Welcome to March!!

Meteorological Spring has arrived. Yes, March Madness is here....I love this month!!

If you haven't seen it, GR3 ver 1.70 is out and it's a great improvement with the addition of high-resolution L3 data. Awesome stuff! This is a fantastic addition for the upcoming severe weather season.

I've been tinkering around with a few random projects in the last couple of weeks. Not the fog channel stuff though but some other things. While I'm having no problem with it working on my Windows XP machine, my new Windows 7 box is giving me some grief. Every time I run URL2File within my scripts on this new machine, I get a prompt box for every line of code (Do you want Windows to make changes to this machine?). I thought I had all of the proper boxes and settings checked to let this run but something is amiss. I'm not sure what I'm missing but it's frustrating to say the least! And until I figure it out, I'm reluctant to release any new improvements/additions to my projects.

Anyone have any ideas?