Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Holidays and upcoming projects

Things have slowed considerably now that Christmas is almost here. I plan some upgrades on the camera scripts in early 2008 if I can get the code to work right. I'm trying to figure out a way to put a "Camera Down" image in place of any camera that isn't working. My initial attempt last week didn't work so I have more debugging to do with the DOS-scripts.

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Cameras down

A number of web cams in the scripts are down because of the ice storm that has hit much of the Plains. Obviously, the scripts will not be running correctly for an unspecified amount of time. I've seen a number of cameras down in the OKC metro area (no surprise) and some here in Kansas, just to name a few.

Wichita has managed to stay around 32-33 degrees overnight and have been around 33-34 all day. Locations to the north and west of the city have not been as fortunate and have gotten hammered by this ice storm with ice accumulation of 1" or more.

Monday, December 3, 2007

New updates

I've added a couple of new cameras to the Nebraska list, so the appropriate "NE" files have been updated.

I'm in the process of figuring out if I can get the images from the NDOR webpage into my NE list. So far, no good. Each time you access the newest image, it's given a file name with the current date and time within it. It's not your typical static image name. I'll plug away on this a little more over the next couple of days but right now it doesn't look promising.

The towercam in Lawrence is experiencing some kind of server issue so it is down right now. I'll continue to monitor it.