Monday, January 12, 2009

We've got a Mission

Who knew hanging out in the crawl space and on the roof of my house could be so much fun?! I've been pretty busy the last few days installing cables and the like for my nearly-completed "shack", as in a "radio shack". I've been an amateur radio operator since 1992 . But even with that on my plate and family stuff, I have managed to do some major detective work too concerning web cameras across Kansas.

I stumbled across the "Kansas Communities on the Web" site earlier this week. It's like me--not particularly flashy--but it gets right to the point: providing links to the majority of Kansas communities on the web. So, like the Little Einsteins, I was on a mission: to search for new web cameras possibly located on each city's web page. The tedious work paid off: I found a camera at the Eisenhower Center in Abilene and one in Derby where a new library is being built. In addition, I found a camera in Haysville too. Unfortunately, it hasn't updated in over a month.

Time permitting, I will be adding the cameras to the scripts. I have already jotted down the coordinates via Google Earth.

More good news on the camera front. KDOT is still good to go for an "early 2009" debut of 25 additional web cameras along I-70. It would be great to get them before the end of the month...fingers crossed.

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